PWA 10 - ATHOS 5 Workshop 2018

PWA10/ATHOS4 Workshop, Beijing 2018
The International Workshop on Partial Wave Analyses and Advanced Tools for Hadron Spectroscopy, PWA10/ATHOS5, is a combination of the 10th International Workshop on Pion-Nucleon Partial Wave Analysis and the Interpretation of Baryon Resonances and the 5th Workshop on Partial Wave Analysis Tools for Hadron Spectroscopy. It took place at the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, China. Previous editions of this workshop include PWA9/ATHOS4 (U. Bonn, 2017) and PWA8/ATHOS3 (GWU, 2015). 

The aim of the workshop is to bring together experimental and theoretical groups working in hadron spectroscopy for constructive discussions of recent results, open issues and future perspectives of the field. Common issues in meson and baryon spectroscopy related to partial wave analyses and the interpretation of data will be emphasized.

In behalf of PWA Tuzla group, Hedim Osmanović and Mirza Hadžimehmedović attended the PWA10/ATHOS4 Workshop. Victor Kashevarov talk from University of Mainz,  a member of Maniz-Tuzla-Zagreb collaboration gave his talk too.  Presentation from their talks can be found on official page of Workshop, or on links below:

Hedim Osmanović - Model Independent Partial Wave Analysis for $π^0$ Photoproduction
Mirza Hadžimehmedović - Pole parameters from etaphotoproduction data using L+P method
Viktor Kashevarov - EtaMAID-2018 for η and η' photoproduction on nucleons

PWA10/ATHOS5 Workshop, Beijing, China, July 16 - 20, 2018.


KLF Collaboration

K Long Facility


We are theoretical physicists at Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics - University of Tuzla. Our group is a part of the Mainz - Tuzla - Zagreb Partial Wave Analysis collaboration.

As a part of the MTZ PWA, our results are "above the line" in PDG library.

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