SFB-S3 Collaboration meeting: Partial Wave Analysis with Analytical Constraints
Mainz, 05 - 09 March 2018,
A2 Seminarroom, Neubau 1st Floor
TIMETABLE (All talks can be found on the MTZ Collaboration web page):
Monday, 5 March, 10:00-12:30
Michael Ostrick: Opening
Jugoslav Stahov: PWA with analytical constraints for γ,π and e,e'π
Rifat Omerovic: Data binning for PWA of pion photo production data
Hedim Osmanovic: First results on SE analysis for γ,π0
Tuesday, 6 March, 10:00-12:30
Lothar Tiator: Overview on MAID models
Viktor Kashevarov: EtaMAID2018 for γ,η and γ,η' on proton and neutron
Kirill Nikonov: Dispersion Relations for Eta Photoproduction
Wednesday, 7 March, 10:00-12:30
Mikhail Gorshteyn: Lecture on Finite Energy Sumrules
Mirza Hadzimehmedovic: Lecture on L+P Expansion Method
Peter Weidenkaff: PWA at BES and PANDA
Vincent Mathieu: Regge Theory
Thursday, 8 March, 10:00-12:30
Alfred Svarc: Ambiguities in PWA for Meson Photoproduction
Yannick Wunderlich: Mathematical Aspects of Phase Rotation Ambiguities
Vladimir Pascalutsa: PWA for Compton Scattering on the Proton
Further Aspects:
Error Analysis and Covariance Matrix Exchange of Mathematica and Fortran programs for Fitting and L+P Method