• About Tuzla

    Tuzla city is situated in north - east part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, it's administrative center of Tuzla Canton, and economic, scientific, cultural, educational, health and tourist centre of northeast Bosnia.

  • University of Tuzla

    University of Tuzla (est. 1976) is public university located in Tuzla. It's the most important and major educational and scientific institution in northeast Bosnia.

PRL: Strong evidence for nucleon resonances near 1900 MeV

Paper published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 062004 – Published 11 August 2017
Accepted paper in Physical Review Letters - 10 July 2017.


Strong evidence for nucleon resonances near 1900 MeV - A. V. Anisovich, V. Burkert, M. Hadžimehmedović, D. G. Ireland, E. Klempt, V. A. Nikonov, R. Omerović, H. Osmanović, A. V. Sarantsev, J. Stahov, A. Švarc, and U. Thoma 

Data on the reaction $\gamma p \to K^+\Lambda$ from the CLAS experiments are used to derive the leading multipoles, E0+, M1-, E1+, and M1+, from the production threshold to 2180\,MeV in 24 slices of the invariant mass. The four multipoles are determined without any constraints. The multipoles are fitted using a multichannel L+P model which allows us to search for singularities and to extract the positions of poles on the complex energy plane in an almost model-independent method. The multipoles are also used as additional constraints in an energy-dependent analysis of a large body of pion and photo-induced reactions within the Bonn-Gatchina (BnGa) partial wave analysis. The study confirms the existence of poles due to nucleon resonances with spin-parity J^P = 1/2^-; 1/2^+, and 3/2^+ in the region at about 1.9\,GeV.


Bled 2017: Advances in hadronic resonances

Two members of our group were participants of Mini Workshop in Bled, Slovenia (July 2 - 9, 2017). The purpose of this workshop is to give the participants an opportunity to concentrate on problems of common interest and to enable focused, intense discussions on individual topics. Typically, every day three participants present their subjects in 40-minutes talks and are encouraged to propose specific problems to be worked out in detail during the Workshop, either jointly or in smaller groups. The number of participants is typically limited to about 20.

Bled 2017 Proceedings PDF 

Organiser of Mini Workshop in Bled are  Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia, Jozef Stefan Institute and Deptartment of Physics and University of Ljubljana.

Hedim Osmanovic: Single energy partial wave analysis on eta photoproduction - pseudo data --> PRESENTATION

Jugoslav Stahov : Single energy partial wave analysis on eta photoproduction - real data --> PRESENTATION

KLF Collaboration

K Long Facility


We are theoretical physicists at Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics - University of Tuzla. Our group is a part of the Mainz - Tuzla - Zagreb Partial Wave Analysis collaboration.

As a part of the MTZ PWA, our results are "above the line" in PDG library.

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