• About Tuzla

    Tuzla city is situated in north - east part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, it's administrative center of Tuzla Canton, and economic, scientific, cultural, educational, health and tourist centre of northeast Bosnia.

  • University of Tuzla

    University of Tuzla (est. 1976) is public university located in Tuzla. It's the most important and major educational and scientific institution in northeast Bosnia.

ANU BiH: Susreti mladih istraživača BiH iz STEM oblasti

 Susreti mladih istraživača Bosne i Hercegovine iz oblasti prirodnih, tehničkih i matematičkih nauka (STEM) održani su 3. i 4. novembra 2023. godine u organizaciji Odjeljenja tehničkih nauka Akademije nauka i umjetnosti Bosne i Hercegovine i u saradnji s Federalnim ministarstvom obrazovanja i nauke.

Jedan od glavnih ciljeva ovog skupa bio je uspostavljanje kontakata s mladim istraživačima porijeklom iz Bosne i Hercegovine koji djeluju u STEM oblastima na univerzitetima i istraživačkim institucijama u svijetu.

Skup je prvenstveno bio namijenjen studentima doktorskih studija u STEM oblastima i mladim istraživačima koji su doktorirali u posljednjih pet godina, ali i svim zainteresiranim istraživačima, članovima akademske i naučne zajednice u Bosni i Hercegovini te predstavnicima bh. privrede.

Skup se sastojao iz tri dijela: dva pozivna predavanja koja su održali gospodin Namik Hrle, inostrani član ANUBiH, IBM Fellow, direktor IBM-ovih globalnih razvojnih timova iz područja baza podataka i umjetne inteligencije i direktor IBM-ove najveće razvojne laboratorije u Njemačkoj i Suad Krilašević, doktorand na Tehničkom univerzitetu u Delftu i predsjednik Asocijacije za napredak nauke i tehnologije u Bosni i Hercegovini.

U drugom dijelu skupa predstavljeno je 28 prezentacija istraživanja studenata III ciklusa i mladih istraživača koji su doktorirali u proteklih 5 godina. Naučni odbor skupa dodijelio novčane nagrade za najbolje prezentacije istraživanja.

Detaljnije na LINKU!


KLF Collaboration

At the first stage the KLF (K Long Facility) program will focus on two-body and quasi-two-body reactions: elastic $K_L p → KS_p$ and charge-exchange $K_L p → K^+ n$ reactions, then on two-body reactions producing $S = −1$ ($S = −2$) hyperons as $K_L p → π + \Lambda$, $K_L p → \pi+Σ^0$ , and $K_L p → π^0 \Sigma^+ (K_L p → K+Ξ 0 )$, as well as three body $K_L p → K^+ K^+ \Omega^ −$.

A coupled channel PWA of the KLF data can be performed standalone and in conjunction with an analysis of the data from the J-PARC K−p measurements, if available. The best fit will determine the partial wave amplitudes and the resonance pole positions, residues and Breit-Wigner (BW) parameters. These will provide a benchmark for results of forthcoming Lattice QCD calculations and elucidate the structure of the strange hyperons.

PWA Tuzla Group is a part of the KLF Collaboration.


STRONG 2020 Workshop


STRONG 2020 (14-16 September - University of York) is included in the activities of the working package WP25 (Light-and heavy-quark hadron spectroscopy) of the project STRONG-2020. It has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824093.

POSTER: SE  PWA for pion photoproduction with vfixed-t analyticity

The major topics of the workshop will cover:

1) Precision calculations in non-perturbative QCD: Effective Field Theories, analyticity, dispersion relations and Lattice QCD

2) Spectroscopy & Exotic states

3) Hadron Decays & Production

4) Form factors, LECs, fundamental parameters of QCD and light nuclei


Single-energy partial-wave analysis for pion photoproduction with fixed-t analyticity

Received 15 July 2021

Accepted 20 August 2021


©2021 American Physical Society


Experimental data for pion photoproduction including differential cross sections and various polarization observables from four reaction channels, $\gamma p \rightarrow \pi^0 p$, $\gamma p \rightarrow \pi^+ n$, $\gamma n \rightarrow \pi^− p$, and $\gamma n \rightarrow \pi^0  n$, from threshold up to W= 2.2 GeV were used in order to perform a single-energy partial-wave analysis with minimal model dependence by imposing constraints from unitarity and fixed-t analyticity in an iterative procedure. Reaction models were only used as a starting point in the very first iteration. We demonstrate that with this procedure partial-wave amplitudes can be obtained which show only a minimal dependence on the initial model assumptions. The analysis was obtained in full isospin, and the Watson theorem is enforced for energies below W= 1.3 GeV but is even fulfilled up to W≈ 1.6 GeV in many partial waves. Electromagnetic multipoles $E_{ℓ\pm}$ and $M _{ℓ\pm}$ are presented and discussed for S, P, D, and F waves.




Single-energy partial wave analysis for π0 photoproduction on the proton with fixed-t analyticity imposed

  • Received 16 August 2019


©2019 American Physical Society



High-precision data of the $\gamma p \rightarrow \pi^0p$ reaction from its threshold up to W=1.9GeV have been used in order to perform a single-energy partial-wave analysis with minimal model dependence. Continuity in energy was achieved by imposing constraints from fixed-t analyticity in an iterative procedure. Reaction models were only used as starting point in the very first iteration. We demonstrate that, with this procedure, partial-wave amplitudes can be obtained which show only a minimal dependence on the initial model assumptions.



SFB-S3 Collaboration meeting - Mainz 2019 Program

SFB-S3 Collaboration meeting
Partial Wave Analysis with Analytical Constraints
Mainz, 18-21 February 2019

Talks can be downloaded from our GitHub Page

Monday, 18 February, 10:00-12:00, A2 meeting room, Neubau, 1OG, 01-122

Jugoslav Stahov/Hedim Osmanovic: Preliminary results on single-energy PWA for $\gamma,\pi$
Rifat Omerovic:  Data binning for PWA of pion photoproduction

Monday, 18 February, 14:00-17:00, A2 meeting room, Neubau, 1OG

Tuesday, 19 February, 10:00-12:00, KPH Seminar Room, Foyer

Michael Ostrick: Opening
Andrey Sarantsev: Eta Photoproduction in the Bonn-Gatchina model
Deborah Rönchen: Eta Photoproduction in the Jülich-Bonn model

Tuesday, 19 February, 14:00-17:00, KPH, Seminar Room

R.Beck, F.Afzal : New experimental results from ELSA and MAMI
Lothar Tiator: Eta Photoproduction in the MAID model
Alfred Svarc: Phase Ambiguities in Eta Photoproduction

Tuesday, 19 February, 17:30 dinner in "Plaka"

Wednesday, 20 February, 10:00-12:00, A2 meeting room, Neubau, 1OG, 01-122

Kirill Nikonov: Dispersion Relations for Eta Photoproduction
Misha Gorchtein: Behaviour of Regge background under DR
Victor Kashevarov: Results on DR for high energies and proton and neutron

Wednesday, 20 February, 14:00-17:00, A2 meeting room, Neubau, 1OG

Thursday, 21 February, 10:00-12:00, A2 meeting room, Neubau, 1OG, 01-122

KLF Collaboration

K Long Facility


We are theoretical physicists at Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics - University of Tuzla. Our group is a part of the Mainz - Tuzla - Zagreb Partial Wave Analysis collaboration.

As a part of the MTZ PWA, our results are "above the line" in PDG library.

Related sites

Physics Department >>
University of Tuzla >>
PMF Tuzla >>
Mainz-Tuzla-Zagreb PWA >>
PDG - Particle Data Group >>
MAID Mainz >>
GWU/SAID Washington >>
Bonn-Gatchina PWA >>
JPac Center Indiana Uni. >>
CLAS Phy. Database >>
JPac Center Indiana Uni. >>
ETA MAID 2018 >>
Jülich-Bonn-Washington Collaboration >>

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